General Information
The field of "Mechanical Engineering" belongs to the area of technical studies and is related to such fields of study as: Automation and Robotics, Technical and IT Education, Power Engineering, Materials Engineering, Logistics, Mechatronics, Transport, Management and Production Engineering.
Studies in the field of "Mechanical Engineering" prepare for work in: machine industry companies and other companies involved in the production and operation of machines, design, construction and technological units as well as related to the organization of production and automation of technological processes, units for technical acceptance of products and materials, accreditation and attestation units, research and consulting units as well as other economic, administrative and educational units requiring technical and IT knowledge.
FeesThe amount of fees is set in Decision of the Rector of the Military University of Technology on determining the amount of fees collected from students beginning their studies in the academic year 2024/2025
Study fees for foreigners
The fee per semester is 1975 EUR.
Study programme
Second-cycle study program - Mechanical EngineeringDelivery of documents
After registering in the IRK online system, you must deliver (by 3 February 2025) to the university in person, through an authorized person or by post:
a personal questionnaire of a candidate for second-cycle studies printed from the system;
- a copy of the higher education diploma - the original for inspection (in exceptional cases, at the registration stage, there may be a certificate of completion of studies with the completion result);
a document confirming the course of studies to date: supplement, index or study history card;
a certificate confirming knowledge of English at least at B2 level;
possibly other documents confirming your competences.
In the case of foreign documents:
- a personal questionnaire of a candidate for second-cycle studies printed from the system;
- a foreign diploma with an apostille and a supplement or other document of graduation from a university abroad, entitling to apply for admission to second-cycle studies in the country in which it was issued (original);
- translation of the diploma and the supplement into Polish by a sworn translator entered on the list of translators by the Ministry of Justice (original);
- a certificate confirming the knowledge of English at least at the B2 level (original);
- copy of passport or other official identity document (original available for inspection).
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