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National security

Organizational unit Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management
Field of studies National Security
Form of studies Full-time civilians studies
Level of education Second cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Admission limit 40
Duration 4 semesters
Recruitment committee address ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2,
00-908 Warszawa
Office opening hours od 8:00 do 15:00 (w okresie lipiec-wrzesień w czwartek od 8:00 do 18:00)
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Phase 1 (03.06.2024 00:00 – 09.09.2024 23:59)

National Security is a major that responds to the complexity of the political situation in the modern world. It is a response to the need for knowledge and practical preparation in the field of state security and public order.

This course has been prepared for people who are interested in security issues and the issue of military and non-military threats occurring in the modern world.

The aim of education is to provide the knowledge necessary to perform various administrative and managerial functions in the socio-political and economic life of the country in the era of European integration and intensifying globalization processes.

This field of study gives the opportunity to acquire knowledge and basic skills in the field of security administration, management of security processes in state and local government administration. It shapes students' creativity and innovative way of thinking, flexibility, adaptability as well as self-education and self-development skills.

Studies conducted for Polish citizens and foreigners in English. The candidate must provide a certificate of English language proficiency at B2 level.

Study fees for foreigners

The fee per semester is 1833 EUR.

Study programme


Delivery of documents

After registering in the IRK online system, you must deliver (until 9 September 2024) to the university in person, through an authorized person or by post:

In the case of foreign documents:

  • a foreign diploma with an apostille and a supplement or other document of graduation from a university abroad, entitling to apply for admission to second-cycle studies in the country in which it was issued (original);
  • translation of the diploma and the supplement into Polish by a sworn translator entered on the list of translators by the Ministry of Justice (original);
  • a certificate confirming the knowledge of English at least at the B2 level (original);
  • a printed personal questionnaire from the Internet Registration of Candidates (IRK);
  • copy of passport or other official identity document (original available for inspection).

More information on recruitment for second-cycle studies conducted in English :

Recruitment rules

Recruitment start for a specific field of study and form of study depends on the Rector setting the limit of admissions to this field and form of study.

Start a specific field of study and form of study depends on the number of candidates.

A candidate with a diploma of graduation, i.e. at least first-cycle qualifications, i.e. with at least the professional title of engineer or bachelor, obtained in this field or related fields listed below, may apply for admission to a specific field of second-cycle studies:

  • Administration;
  • Public administration;
  • Occupational Health and Safety;
  • Internal security;
  • European studies;
  • Safety engineering;
  • Logistics;
  • State defence;
  • Political Science;
  • Law;
  • Emergency Medical Services;
  • International Relations;
  • Management;
  • Management and production engineering.

In the case of a candidate with a diploma of completion of another field of study or a diploma of completion of studies outside the Republic of Poland, the Admissions Committee decides whether the candidate has the competences necessary to continue education in the selected field of study.

The scope of the qualification procedure includes:
  • preparation of ranking lists;
  • making a decision on admission to the university by enrolling in the list of students.
The decision on accepting a candidate for second-cycle studies by entering them on the list of students is made by the Admissions Committee, taking into account:
  •  competences necessary to continue education at second-cycle studies in a given field of study;
  • results obtained during previously completed studies;
  • the degree of compliance of the learning outcomes achieved by the candidate with the learning outcomes required to undertake second-cycle studies in a given field of study;
  • graduation result.


     data used as the basis for calculating ranking points

                            number ranking points
competences necessary to continue education at
second - cycle studies and the resoults obtained during the previously completed studies (set b ythe commision)
0 - 50

degree of compatibility learning outcomes
(set by the commision)


                graduation result
(first degree studies)












